Cycle Calculation of Industrial Robot

There are many factors that affect the beating time of the robot, such as the rotation speed of each axis, acceleration, moving distance, point stop accuracy, etc.

For example, the FANUC M-20iA robot has a cycle time of 0.78s when the handling path is 25→300→25→25→300→25 and the load mass is 20kg.

Figure 1 robot action beats

Cycle Calculation of Industrial  Robot

When the robot is programmed, when the linear movement is made, the speed parameter can be entered into 2000mm/s, but after considering the acceleration and deceleration of the motor, the actual running time will increase.

Commonly used FANUC R-2000iC/165F robot, walking a distance of 2m, it takes about 3s, small robots will be faster, large robots will be slower, if you want to get a relatively accurate time, you can simulate walking in FANUC ROBOGUIDE simulation software, but FANUC official does not guarantee the accuracy of ROBOGUIDE software, are reference values.

The speed of the cylinder piston can reach 1000m/s, but due to the use of speed regulating valves, the actual running speed will be much slower, and the time for cylinder opening and closing once is generally agreed to be 2s.

Therefore, the robot grabs the workpiece from point A, walks to point B, and then releases the workpiece, which is expected to take 7s.

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