Valve stem seal generally used packing seal, packing by compaction to achieve sealing. Common fillers are graphite, PTFE V-rings, etc.

1. Add belleville spring at packing gland to realize continuous sealing

As shown in No. 7 of the following figure, 2 belleville spring are added above the packing gland.

Valve stem packing elastic seal, stem use disc spring, compression spring to achieve packing long-term seal

See Figure 7 below for belleville spring made of Inconel 718.

Valve stem packing elastic seal, stem use disc spring, compression spring to achieve packing long-term seal

Valve stem packing elastic seal, stem use disc spring, compression spring to achieve packing long-term seal

The following two figures show that the valve stem packing gland above the increase of multiple groups of belleville spring, and the combination of belleville spring left and right figures are not the same.

Valve stem packing elastic seal, stem use disc spring, compression spring to achieve packing long-term seal

2. Add compression spring under packing

Valve stem packing elastic seal, stem use disc spring, compression spring to achieve packing long-term seal

Packing is not elastic, if only screw compaction, a long time, packing loose, valve stem prone to leakage, and increased belleville spring or compression spring, you can provide lasting pressure, prevent leakage, and reduce maintenance costs.

References: Bray ball valve, Fisher control valve

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