FANUC Payload Checker.xls Free Download

This Excel spreadsheet is provided by FANUC as an aid to determining the Wrist Load conditions of particular robots.

Every effort has been made to ensure that the spreadsheet data and formulas are correct, but FANUC does not guarantee that it is free of errors.

There may be some error margin between the load calculation result of this Excel file and the load calculation result of the robot controller.

The value of the gravitational acceleration used to calculate from V7.20 of the Excel file is changed from 9.81 to 9.8. Therefore, there is some error margin between the load calculation result of the Excel file on the previous version, 

the load calculation result of the robot controller, and the load calculation result from V7.20 of the Excel file.

FANUC does not assume responsibility for correct robot selection based on this spreadsheet.

1 This Excel Workbook has been created as a tool to check the Robot Wrist Load Status. It is designed to answer the following basic questions:

1.1  Are the Wrist Moments within the capacity of the robot?

1.2 Are the Wrist Inertias within the capacity of the robot

1.3 Is the use of the robot approved ?

2 The payload data can be entered in two ways:

2.1 If the moments and inertias relative to the robot axes are known, they can be entered directly as Axis Values

2.2 If the moments and inertias are not known, then the payload Centre of Gravity data can be entered as mass, centre of gravity, and self-inertia.

The moments and inertias are calculated and transferred automatically.

2.3 The values can be entered in SI units, or in PID ( Payload Identification) units.

3 The different robot models can be selected from the list. To see the effect of changing model type simply select the new robot model

4 There are two types of result data, the Summary results, and the Detailed results.

4.1 For a robot to be approved, the Summary results should all be 'OK'. The meanings of the summary results are shown on the "Key to Results" tab.

4.2 The Detail results are provided to show how near (or far!) the load is from the limits.

In the case of an over-loaded robot, the detail results should allow the user to judge if the tool can be modified slightly to bring it within the robot capacity, or if a different robot must be used."

5 This Workbook has following restrictions.

5.1 Some macros in this Workbook may not work on Excel97.

5.2 Default paper size is A4. Please set necessary page size manually.

5.3 This workbook needs special treatment to work on French Windows because of Microsoft protection issue.

6 System Requirements

6.1 Personal computer on which Excel2000 or later is installed.

Note. This Workbook has been confirmed by Excel 2000(Japan) & Excel 2003(Japan) on Windows XP Professional (Japan) & Excel 2007(Japan) on Windows Vista(Japan) & Excel 2010(Japan) on Windows 7(Japan).

FANUC Payload Checker.xls Free Download

FANUC Payload Checker.xls Free Download

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— Comments

Jordan wrote — March 03, 2024 22:25
Awesome, just needed this!

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